Saturday, December 6, 2008


From their site: 
PowerShellASP is an ASP-like template language for Web Applications; templates contain a mixture of markup (HTML, XML or whatever you want to generate) and inline PowerShell code. At runtime, templates/pages are fully translated to PowerShell code and executed as a single unit inside a PowerShell pipeline, with the results sent to the client browser.
PowerShellASP runs off the ASP.NET platform, implemented as a custom IHttpHandler mapped to *.ps1x files. Because of this, you can mix PowerShellASP pages alongside any ASP.NET application. This provides a great way to leverage PowerShellASP inside your existing applications as needed or you can create complete applications from scratch based only on *.ps1x pages.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Getting started creating a full application with PowershellASP can be a little difficult and there are not many examples other than the PowershellASP site. So, I created full webiste for an RSS Server using PowershellASP and hosted the project on Codeplex: PoshRSS.