Friday, November 30, 2007

ADO.NET inside of PowerShell.

Free PowerShell Commandlets - Extending the reach of Windows PowerShell

Chapter 21. Databases

learn about the DataReader and DataSet objects

Getting Started with PrimalForms

PowerShell and ADO.NET
Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I Use Windows PowerShell to Pull Records From a Microsoft Access Database
how to fetch data from the database using PowerShell

Allen White Accessing SQL Server data through PowerShell
--o-- PowerShelled PowerShell out-DataGrid update and more Dataset utilities
Mike Wilbur's Blog Updating a DataSet with Powershell and saving changes back to SQL
PowerShell Mini SQL Query Analyzer - Don Hite
Jeffrey McManus Database Queries with Windows Powershell
Precision Computing - Interacting with SQL Databases in PowerShell Invoke-SqlCommand
Microsoft Windows PowerShell and SQL Server 2005 SMO
Part 11 - Export output to XML - November 2, 2007Part 10 - Using PowerShell Script to Generate SQL Server Scripts for Database and Tables - October 16, 2007Part 9 - Generating SQL Server Scripts - October 3, 2007Part 8 - Microsoft Windows PowerShell and SQL Server 2005 SMO - September 19, 2007Part 7 - How to use PowerShell in conjunction with SMO to display SQL Server Objects - September 5, 2007Part 6 - How to use PowerShell and PowerShell script to backup databases - August 15, 2007Part 5 - How to use PowerShell and PowerShell script to create databases - August 1, 2007Part 4 - Loop through the content of a file - July 11, 2007Part 3 - Script Windows Power Shell - July 3, 2007

PowerShell and XML and SQL Server
Get Data From MS-SQL Using a PowerShell Script « using;
Microsoft Windows PowerShell and SQL Server 2005 WMI Providers – Part 1

Monday, August 6, 2007

.psbase or when what you see isn't what you want to see

so i have been seeing the .psbase thing in posh scripts and blindly using it because it works in the scripts that seem to need it but understand what it is and why it is used?????

i finally read Tobias' 'ADSI Connecting to Domains/Computers and Binding to Objects' where he does a nice job of explaining .psbase and why you use it

in fact his MASTERING POWERSHELL IN YOUR LUNCH BREAK: series is well worth your time

what i think i have learned is that you use .pbase when you need more information than is provided by get-member you need to do this because the info provided by get-member is sometimes filtered by posh

here some examples from dat 6

$domain get-member
$domain.psbase get-member
$computer get-member
$computer.psbase get-member

$domain = [ADSI]" "
$domain.psbase.children % {
"Name: " + $
"DistinguishedName: " + $_.distinguishedName
"Class: " + $_.objectClass[$_.objectClass.count -1]


bottom line when i run an object through get-member and don't see what i am looking for i'll do that object.psbase thing before posting a ?

thanks tobias

Saturday, August 4, 2007

misc tips not yet classified

Powershell - Ying Li at
PowerShell script to assign symantec antivirus parent server to multiple clients based on their default gateway
Powershell script to get Symantec Antivirus Client version and virus definition date
PowerShell script to get Computers Chassis Types
Windows Powershell Profiles
Powershell script to manipulate string.
Powershell script to manipulate string
Powershell script to check folder size

PowerShell script to update DNS Search Order on a particular NIC on multiple remote machines - Ying Li at
How to enter password as secure string
The Comlet to record a PowerShell session
One step further - PowerShell script to modify multiple users' property in Active Directory

PowerShellers How to easy format date-time
Windows PowerShell Get-Process Piped to Dir
Windows PowerShell Editing your Profile file

Windows PowerShell How does Select-String work with Pipelines of objects

PowerShellers Spring-cleaning of a PowerShell profile
James Manning's blog Quick test to see which URL's are still valid
Windows PowerShell Sunday morning drive with my hair on fire Types-Community-Synthetic types-Democracy-Cool XML tricks

James Manning's blog using PowerShell for Outlook automation

James Manning's blog why share-able functions shouldn't be in your PowerShell profile
James Manning's blog Various PowerShell scripts
James Manning's blog using PowerShell for Outlook automation

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

move an sms 2003 collection

# powershell script to move a sms 2003 collection from one parent collection to another then
# request refresh of the parent collections

# replace the collection IDs with your own

# collection to move and its original and new parents collection IDs
$origParent = "C0100026" # collectionID of original parent of the collection to be moved
$coll2Move1 = "C01000B8" # ollectionID of the collection to be moved
$newParent = "C01002BC" # collectionID of the new parent of the collection to be moved
$collectionarray = $origParent,$newParent

$Computer = "your sms site server" # replace with your data
$CollectionClass = "SMS_Collection"
$collectToSubCollectionClass = "SMS_CollectToSubCollect"
$smsNameSpace = "root\SMS\your sms site code" # replace with your data
$Method = "RequestRefresh"

$c = Get-WmiObject -class $collectToSubCollectionClass -namespace $smsNameSpace -computerName $Computer
Where-Object {
$_.parentCollectionID -match $origParent -and $_.subCollectionID -match $coll2Move1
# set new parent relationship
foreach ($item in $c)
Write-Host $c.parentCollectionID
Write-Host $c.subCollectionID
$c.parentCollectionID = $newParent
# delete old relationalship
$c = Get-WmiObject -class $collectToSubCollectionClass -namespace $smsNameSpace -computerName $Computer
Where-Object {
$_.parentCollectionID -match $origParent -and $_.subCollectionID -match $coll2Move1
#refresh collections
#adapted from SMS_Collection Method : RequestRefresh method script generated by PowerShell WmiExplorer
# /\/\o\/\/ 2006
foreach ($memb in $collectionarray)
write-host "The value in the current element is $memb"
# SMS_Collection. Key Properties :
# $CollectionID = $memb
$filter="CollectionID = '$memb'"
$MC = get-WMIObject $CollectionClass -computer $Computer -Namespace $smsNameSpace -filter $filter
# $MC = [Wmi]"\\$Computer\Root\CimV2:$Class.$filter"
$InParams = $mc.psbase.GetMethodParameters($Method)
$InParams.includesubcollections = $false
# "Calling SMS_Collection. : RequestRefresh with Parameters :"
$ select name,Value format-Table
$R = $mc.PSBase.InvokeMethod($Method, $inParams, $Null)
"Result :"
$R Format-list


this section will be where i will post scripts that i have used in my job.
for while i may have written these scripts they are authored by the suggestions from the community to whom i, and if you find the scripts valuabe, ow a greate debt of thanks

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

ping a list of servers stored in a file or a subnet

#requires -Version 2.0
Function Ping-Subnet {
# Ping a subnet returning all alive hosts.
# Ping-Subnet -IP -Netmask /24
# Ping-Subnet -IP -Netmask
Begin {
$IPs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$Jobs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$max = 50
Function Get-NetworkAddress {
# Get the network address of a given lan segment
# Get-NetworkAddress -IP -mask
Param (
Begin {
$NetAdd = $null
Process {
$BinaryIP = ConvertTo-BinaryIP $IP
$BinaryMask = ConvertTo-BinaryIP $Mask
0..34 | %{
$IPBit = $BinaryIP.Substring($_,1)
$MaskBit = $BinaryMask.Substring($_,1)
IF ($IPBit -eq '1' -and $MaskBit -eq '1') {
$NetAdd = $NetAdd + "1"
} elseif ($IPBit -eq ".") {
$NetAdd = $NetAdd +'.'
} else {
$NetAdd = $NetAdd + "0"
if ($Binary) {
return $NetAdd
} else {
return ConvertFrom-BinaryIP $NetAdd
Function ConvertTo-BinaryIP {
# Convert an IP address to binary
# ConvertTo-BinaryIP -IP
Param (
Process {
$out = @()
Foreach ($octet in $IP.split('.')) {
$strout = $null
0..7|% {
IF (($octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_)))-ge 0) {
$octet = $octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_))
[string]$strout = $strout + "1"
} else {
[string]$strout = $strout + "0"
$out += $strout
return [string]::join('.',$out)

Function ConvertFrom-BinaryIP {
# Convert from Binary to an IP address
# Convertfrom-BinaryIP -IP 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000001
Param (
Process {
$out = @()
Foreach ($octet in $IP.split('.')) {
$strout = 0
0..7|% {
$bit = $octet.Substring(($_),1)
IF ($bit -eq 1) {
$strout = $strout + [math]::pow(2,(7-$_))
$out += $strout
return [string]::join('.',$out)

Function ConvertTo-MaskLength {
# Convert from a netmask to the masklength
# ConvertTo-MaskLength -Mask
Param (
Process {
$out = 0
Foreach ($octet in $Mask.split('.')) {
$strout = 0
0..7|% {
IF (($octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_)))-ge 0) {
$octet = $octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_))
return $out

Function ConvertFrom-MaskLength {
# Convert from masklength to a netmask
# ConvertFrom-MaskLength -Mask /24
# ConvertFrom-MaskLength -Mask 24
Param (
Process {
$out = @()
[int]$wholeOctet = ($mask - ($mask % 8))/8
if ($wholeOctet -gt 0) {
1..$($wholeOctet) |%{
$out += "255"
$subnet = ($mask - ($wholeOctet * 8))
if ($subnet -gt 0) {
$octet = 0
0..($subnet - 1) | %{
$octet = $octet + [math]::pow(2,(7-$_))
$out += $octet
for ($i=$out.count;$i -lt 4; $I++) {
$out += 0
return [string]::join('.',$out)
Function Get-IPRange {
# Given an Ip and subnet, return every IP in that lan segment
# Get-IPRange -IP -Mask
# Get-IPRange -IP -Mask /23
Param (
Process {
iF ($netMask.length -le 3) {
$masklength = $netmask.replace('/','')
$Subnet = ConvertFrom-MaskLength $masklength
} else {
$Subnet = $netmask
$masklength = ConvertTo-MaskLength -Mask $netmask
$network = Get-NetworkAddress -IP $IP -Mask $Subnet
[int]$FirstOctet,[int]$SecondOctet,[int]$ThirdOctet,[int]$FourthOctet = $network.split('.')
$TotalIPs = ([math]::pow(2,(32-$masklength)) -2)
$blocks = ($TotalIPs - ($TotalIPs % 256))/256
if ($Blocks -gt 0) {
1..$blocks | %{
0..255 |%{
if ($FourthOctet -eq 255) {
If ($ThirdOctet -eq 255) {
If ($SecondOctet -eq 255) {
$secondOctet = 0
} else {
$ThirdOctet = 0
} else {
$FourthOctet = 0
} else {
Write-Output ("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f `
$sBlock = $TotalIPs - ($blocks * 256)
if ($sBlock -gt 0) {
1..$SBlock | %{
if ($FourthOctet -eq 255) {
If ($ThirdOctet -eq 255) {
If ($SecondOctet -eq 255) {
$secondOctet = 0
} else {
$ThirdOctet = 0
} else {
$FourthOctet = 0
} else {
Write-Output ("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f `
Process {
#get every ip in scope
Get-IPRange $IP $netmask | %{
#loop untill we've pinged them all
While ($IPs.count -gt 0 -or $jobs.count -gt 0) {
#if we have open spots kick off some more
IF ($jobs.count -le $max) {
# determin how many to kick off
$addjobs = ($max - $jobs.count)
Foreach ($IP in ($IPS | Select -first $addjobs)) {
#save the job id, and move on
[VOID]$Jobs.Add((gwmi -q "SELECT Address,StatusCode FROM Win32_Pingstatus WHERE Address = `'$IP`'" -asjob).Id)
#remove the IP from our pool
#we'll use this array to track what's comeback
$Clean = @()
Foreach ($J in $jobs) {
# If this job is done get the results
if ((Get-Job -id $j).JobStateInfo.state -eq 'Completed') {
# if the ping was sucessfull return the IP Address
write-output (Receive-Job -id $j) | ?{$_.StatusCode -eq 0}| select -expand Address
# dispose of the job
remove-job -id $j
$clean += $j
Foreach ($c in $Clean) {
#remove the jobs that we just processed

filter Validate-IPAddress {

filter Ping-Host{
begin{ ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping; }
process{ if(ping.Send(_).status -eq "Success") {_;} }

cat ip.txt | Validate-IPAddress | Ping-Host | foreach {
write-host "_ is ALIVE, run some code" -f green -b black

Yes, you can resolve the IP to name, for example:

PS > []::GetHostEntry("").HostName

Test things out for yourself using the measure-command cmdlet to see which is faster, especially when the ping will fail.

measure-command {gwmi "select * from win32_pingstatus where address='foobar'"}

$ping=New-Object system.Net.NetwokInformation.Ping
Measure-Command {$ping.send("foobar")}
foreach ($server in (get-content servers.txt))
gwmi -query "Select * from win32_pingstatus where address='$server'" select Address,Statuscode


If you remove the pipe and the select statement, you can see all the available properties.

To add the IP address use Select Address,StatusCode,ProtocolAddressThe order you select them is the order they'll display.

must b run from a win xp or 2003 box

from Forums Ping instead of WMI

Microsoft Windows Power Shell and SQL Server 2005 SMO – Part 4

Microsoft Windows Power Shell and SQL Server 2005 SMO – Part 4

PowerShell Convert To Date Time Method - Don Hite

PowerShell Convert To Date Time Method - Don Hite

write your own commandlets

Windows PowerShell Visual Studio 2005 Templates (C# and VB.NET)

Windows PowerShell SDK

Hosting Windows PowerShell Part 1 2 & 3

The DFO Show - Hosting Windows PowerShell Part 1
The DFO Show - Hosting Windows PowerShell Part 2
The DFO Show - Hosting Windows PowerShell Part 3

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


TechNet Webcast: Next-Generation Command Line Scripting: Windows PowerShell (Level 300)
Jeffrey Snover provides an overview of Windows PowerShell for TechEd 2006. 5 stars!!

TechNet Webcast: An Overview of Windows PowerShell (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: And Now for Something Completely Different: Introducing Windows PowerShell (Level 200)

Windows PowerShell Week

TechNet Webcast: The Windows PowerShell Scripting Crash Course (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: Converting from VBScript to Windows PowerShell (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: Functions, Filters, and Efficiency in Windows PowerShell (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: Under-the-Hood Extensions in Windows PowerShell (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: Mastering the Windows PowerShell Pipeline (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: Windows PowerShell and Windows Management Instrumentation (Level 200)

PowerShell Scripting in Exchange Server 2007 (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: Writing Scripts in Windows PowerShell (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: New Kid on the Scriptblock: Writing Scripts with Windows PowerShell (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: And Now for Something Completely Different: Introducing Windows PowerShell (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: 24 Hours of Exchange Server 2007 (Part 09 of 24): Using PowerShell for Exchange Management (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: 24 Hours of Exchange Server 2007 (Part 08 of 24): Introduction to Windows PowerShell (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: Overview of Server Manager and Windows PowerShell in Windows Server "Longhorn" (Level 300)

TechNet Webcast: Windows PowerShell in Windows Server 2008 (Level 200)

current script directory

function Get-ScriptDirectory{$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).ValueSplit-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path}

Monday, July 16, 2007

Benp's Guide to Stuff Benp’s Basic Guide to Managing Active Directory Objects with PowerShell

Benp's Guide to Stuff Benp’s Basic Guide to Managing Active Directory Objects with PowerShell

active directory user info

#list all properties of a user object
Get-QADUser -ReturnPropertyNamesOnly -IncludeAllProperties

# Get a list of properties and store it in an array$properties = Get-QADUser -ReturnPropertyNamesOnly -IncludeAllProperties# Get the actual user object and the outputGet-QADUser "jane doe" -IncludeAllProperties Format-List $properties

(instead of the user name you can use DN, SID, GUID, UPN, username or Domain\username).

thanks to Dmitry Sotnikov

# output for joe user displayname,sAMAccountName,mail,scriptPath,Department

Get-QADUser 'User Joshph P' Format-List displayname,sAMAccountName,mail,scriptPath,Department
Get-QADUser joeuser1Format-List displayname,info,sAMAccountName,mail,scriptPath,Department

# Updating user properties

#Set Notes/info the Joe Useruser account:

Get-QADUser joeuser1Format-List displayname,info,sAMAccountName,mail,scriptPath,Department
Set-QADUser joeuser1-info 'Elvis Rules!!!'
Get-QADUser joeuser1Format-List displayname,info,sAMAccountName,mail,scriptPath,Department

All information gathered from here PowerGUI Community : A quick intro to the Management Shell ...

Function GetUserDetails ([adsi]$user){
$user=[ADSI](get-wmiobject -class ds_user -namespace root\directory\ldap -filter "DS_samaccountname='$env:username'").adsipath
write-host "Hello " + $user.givenname}

Function Start { trap {reportError} $btnExit.Text = "close" GetUserDetails $user write-host "Bye " + $ #(1 / $null)}

get-wmiobject -class ds_user
-namespace root\directory\ldap
-filter "DS_samaccountname='$env:username'"

The above is NOT an ADSI query. It's a WMI query - notice the "getWMIObjecti". Open WBEMTEST and connect to the "root\directory\ldap" namespave then browse to the "ds_user" wmi class and you will see all of the properties as named by WMI.

Finding the static methods of a class

Finding the static methods of a class

powershell & dns

Using PowerShell to script DNS with WMI
Glen's Exchange Dev Blog Powershell DNS Utility script for querying MX, PTR and SPF records
-n software inc - NetCmdlets for Windows PowerShell
The PowerShell Guy Add Extended DNS support to PowerShell in 5 minutes

unanswered ?
Sandbox Calling FolderBrowserDialog from a ...


PowerGUI Community Main
Introduction to PowerGUI demo
Extending PowerGUI
PowerGUI Community A quick intro to the Management Shell ...
PowerGUI Hands-On Labs
PowerGUI Hands-On Labs Manual.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A quick intro to the Management Shell for AD from Quest Software by Andrei Polevoi

originally posted here
this is a terrific post unfortunately being legally blind i find the print too small so i redid it and you can find it here

get maching info What’s that machine called

“Captain Literal”.NET » What’s that machine called

D:\PsScripts]36> . .\networkTools.ps1# Create a CSV file, just like Mamood has[D:\PsScripts]38> “MachineName”, “machine1″, ” machine2″, ” machine3″, ” machine4″ > machineList.csv# Get machine information from DNS[D:\PsScripts]40> $machines = @();[D:\PsScripts]41> import-csv machineList.csv % { $machineInfo = resolve-hostByName $_.MachineName; $machines += New-MachineObject $machineInfo.Hostname $machineInfo.AddressList[0] }# Ping each host to get alive status[D:\PsScripts]43> $machines % { $_.Alive = Get-AliveStatus $_.HostName }# Get MAC Address for each alive host[D:\PsScripts]45> $machines ? { $_.Alive } % { $_.MacAddress = Get-MacAddressForHost $_.HostName $_.IpAddress }# Finally, output as a table (or you could export to CSV if you prefer)[D:\PsScripts]47> $machines ftHostName IpAddress MacAddress Alive——– ——— ———- —– 00:04:FF:0B:23:B2 00:16:17:0E:23:B2 True
And that’s that.

Group Policy Administration with Windows PowerShell

SDM gpo Software

Simplify Group Policy Administration with Windows PowerShell

Saturday, July 14, 2007

oh the places i'v gone

a unoriginized collection i have visited that have been gathered from various computers i have woked on hopfully some day soon will get put in the right placess

PowerShell ROCKS!!!
Powershell Script Scripting Ldap Searches using PowerShell
Powershell Script List Domain Information
Powershell Script Library Applications User Applications Free Powershell Scripts. Download Free Powershell Scripts. Submit Powershell Scripts Free
Powershell Script Library Free Powershell Scripts. Download Free Powershell Scripts. Submit Powershell Scripts Free
Sandbox Windows PowerShell in Action
Microsoft Windows PowerShell and SQL Server 2005 SMO – Part II
Microsoft Windows PowerShell and SQL Server 2005 SMO – Part 3
Collection Creation Example Makecoll.wsf - Script for Automating Collection Creation Perform a task on a computer, a list of computers, an SMS client or an SMS collection QueryCount and DiscProps MMC Tools Software Deployment via Web Reports!
PowerGUI Community
Reporting Script (SMS 2003 Operations Guide)
scripting SMS 2003
Richard Siddaway's Weblog
Some PowerShell scripts ...
Windows PowerShell (Monad) - Microsoft's new Windows scripting language
Adventures in SPWonderland
BS on PoSH - Blog » PowerShell Information Central Forums Searching AD with Powershell Forums Sending email from Powershell Script Forums Windows PowerShell Forums gui box with powershell Forums Handling ADSI objects Forums list computers from OU Forums Open an exisiting spreadsheet and read values Forums Passing-Returning values to functions
Lead, Follow, or Move » PowerShell
-n software inc - NetCmdlets for Windows Powershell - LDAP-Active Directory
OU Management with PowerShell « Dmitry’s PowerBlog PowerShell and beyond
powershell OU - Google Search
Search for a SAM Account Name
Searching Active Directory
Windows PowerShell ADSI Connections of LDAP
Windows Powershell Working with Active Directory -- TechNet Magazine, June 2007
2007 February 02 « Powershell,Passion,Persistence and Pursuit
Arul Kumaravel's WebLog ADSI Scripting with Windows PowerShell.
Chris' Weblog - Scripting
David Mohundro - Monday, August 28, 2006
Discussions - Google Groups
How do I get a list of computers in an AD OU and then use them in a powershell script - TechNet Forums
Just Powershell it - VMware
TestPathCommand Properties (Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands)
Windows PowerShell Test-Path We Goofed
Admin Script Editor Script Library
powershell test-path - Google Search - Basics
Download details XML Notepad 2007
fri Windows PowerShell Week Question and Answer Log
How to Download Windows PowerShell 1.0
Introducing Windows PowerShell
James Manning's blog using PowerShell for Outlook automation
Mappings for the Active Directory Users and Computers Snap-in
--o-- PowerShelled PowerShell and SMS 2003
PowerGUI Community Main
PowerGUI Community PowerGui Library
PowerShell Commands for Active Directory Quest Software
PowerShell Community Extensions
PowerShell Community Extensions - Home
powershell read from a file - Google Search
PowerShell ROCKS!!!
PowerShell Scripts
Powershell Live
Powershell Live - foreach and foreach-object.
powershell's favorites on
powershell's favorites tagged with Prompt on
reference get-content
Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages Batch Files, PowerShell, Rexx, KiXtart, Perl, VBScript, HTA
Sandbox Windows PowerShell in Action
SAPIEN Press - scripting books, VBScript books, PowerShell books, and more
SAPIEN Press - scripting books, VBScript books, PowerShell books, and more2
SAPIEN Technologies Knowledge Base
SAPIEN Technologies Support Forums
Scripting with Windows PowerShell
Serge van den Oever [Macaw]
Serge van den Oever [Macaw] PowerShell and debugging
Serge van den Oever [Macaw] PowerShell pitfalls reading text from file using get-content
The PowerShell Guy
The PowerShell Guy PowerShell Community Extensions Active Directory Provider Part 1
Don Hite PowerShell Script To Export Installed Product Information To A CSV File
Download details XML Notepad 2007
Guy's Scripting Ezine 110 - PowerShell and WMI
How to Download Windows PowerShell 1.0
Managing Windows Networks Using Scripts - Part 3 Understanding WMI
--o-- PowerShelled PowerShell and SMS 2003
PowerGUI Community Main
PowerGUI Community PowerGui Library
Deployment made simple using Powershell - The Code Project - .NET
Don Hite Microsoft Developer Network Windows PowerShell Online Resources
Monad Tutorial «
Musings of a PC My next self-tutorial on PowerShell
Nick's Blog April 2007
PowerGadgets Desktop Reporting and Monitoring for IT-DB Professionals - Who Don't Write Code.
PowerShell For Fun Perfect Prompt for Windows PowerShell
powershell tutorial - Google Search
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Signing PowerShell Scripts
The Code Project - Search Articles - Free Source Code and Tutorials
Windows PowerShell Setting the console title to be your current working directory
Windows PowerShell Programmer's Guide
Windows PowerShell SDK
A guided tour of the Microsoft Command Shell Page 2
An Introduction to Windows Power Shell (Monad) - The Code Project - Win32 - SDK
how to create an access database from an excel spreadsheet - Google Search
NetCmdlets Part 3 PowerShell and Active Directory using -n software's LDAP cmdlet
powershell get a list of computers in active directory - Google Search
The PowerShell Guy » Detecting Service Pack 2 » Iterating Active Directory
DotNetSlackers CodeSnip Get a complete computer list from Active Directory using .NET 2.0
Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I Bind to an Active Directory User Account Using Windows PowerShell
Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I Use Windows PowerShell to Get a List of All My Computers
Kill-UserProcess (my first whatif Script)
More on Select-Object
C# to PowerShell Translation Thought Process
Get-Uptime (The Custom Object extravaganza!!!)
--o-- PowerShelled PowerShell WMI Support in RC2 (Series part 2)
Windows Server Scripting - ScriptCenter PowerShell Scripts
+[WMIClass] - Google Search
An in-depth look at WMI and instrumentation, Part II
How can you remotely instantiate a WMI class in Windows Powershell
Latest Newsgroup Posts Re [WMIClass] versus get-wmiobject
BS on PoSH - Blog » Birth of a Script-Function

active directory

MOW has a number of blog postings on AD:

Another thing you can do is install the PowerShell community extensons which include an Active Directory provider:

There are a variety of PowerShell extensions available on CodePlex:

Exchange team has a library of examples at:'s one that has uses AD:

You can also use the WMI classes to get started AD if you're familiar with them. For example:get-wmiobject -class Win32_NTDomain


Windows PowerShell Tip of the Week
The Script Center Script Repository Sample Windows PowerShell Scripts - PowerShell samples
Sample Monad-MSH Scripts
codePlex-PowerShell Scripts - Home
Scripting for Exchange
The Exchange 2007 Wiki - PowerShell Scripts
F5 DevCentral Labs PowerShell with iControl use PowerShell to manage your BIG-IP.
myITforum posh scripts

Thursday, July 12, 2007

scripting method
PS> $w1 = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem
PS> $w1 Get-Member
ConvertFromDateTime ScriptMethod System.Object ConvertFromDateTime();ConvertToDateTime ScriptMethod System.Object ConvertToDateTime();Delete ScriptMethod System.Object Delete();GetType ScriptMethod System.Object GetType();Put ScriptMethod System.Object Put();
PS> $w1.ConvertToDateTime($w1.LastBootUpTime)08 April 2007 10:05:35

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Invoking Generic Methods on Non-Generic Classes in PowerShell

Invoking Generic Methods on Non-Generic Classes in PowerShell

posh & .NET

.NET types

How do I easily load assemblies, when LoadWithPartialName has been deprecated?

BS on PoSH - Blog » A Powershell Adventure Chpt2 ‘Using .NET in Powershell’

posh & .net who ate my disk

Skip the PowerShell Tutorials and Take a Test Drive Instead

powershell on codplex

powershell on codplex

gui box with powershell

gui box with powershell?

Exchange SMTP Log file DNS Test tool Powershell script

Using System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox in PowerShell

Accessing Database And Displaying Images Using Windows PowerShell

posh N wmi

thinking in powershell

thanks to Dennis Verweij and his blog Just Powershell it for this informative information on how to begin thinking in powershell

code using commandletts

#-- Get-ChildItemForEach-Object {if (test-path ./$_/rapporten){$dirname=$;Get-ChildItem ./$dirname/reports}}Select-Object @{e={$dirname};n="homedir"},@{e={$};n="report"}Export-Csv $env:systemroot\temp\reports.csv

same code using aliases

#-- ls% {if (test-path ./$_/rapporten){$dirname=$;ls ./$dirname/reports}}select @{e={$dirname};n="homedir"},@{e={$};n="report"}export-csv $env:systemroot\temp\reports.csv

thinking in powershell example referencing the above code

This may look like a lot of typing, but believe me, after a while, you'll type it in the command line as if it is you're native language.

Just type what you're thinking and it will all fall in place :

I want a directorylisting = ls
With the output I want to .. =
For every childitem it want.. = % {
If the directory exists If want to do the following = if (test-path ......){
remember the directory you search = $dirname=$
and list the content of the report directory in this directory = ls ./$dirname/reports
End the "if" = }
End the "foreach"= }
With the output I want to .. =
and from this output only select the homedirectory and the name of the report in the report directory and name these "homedir" and "report" = select @{e={$dirname};n="homedir"},@{e={$};n="report"}
With the output I want to .. =
export this data to a csv file in systemroot\temp and name it reports.csv = export-csv $env:systemroot\temp\reports.csv

Working with Active Directory

Active Directory

Managing Active Directory with Windows PowerShell

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powershell&me my powershell journey

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Windows Live™ Spaces blog info i have found useful in my work as well as other interests

setting up powershell environment

this purpose of this blog is to document my experiences with ms powershell aks posh

if you want to be a part of the future of windows administration you need to be familiar with and able 2 use posh

use the information below to setup you posh environment

first steps
How to Download Windows PowerShell 1.0

Download details Windows PowerShell 1.0 English-Language Installation Package for Windows XP (KB926139)

Download details Windows PowerShell 1.0 Installation Package for Windows Vista (KB928439)
install the appropriate package

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PowerShell Community Extensions - Home
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To get started using posh
Mastering PowerShell in your Lunch Break : Day 1: Getting Organized
Mastering PowerShell in your Lunch Break : Day 2: Writing Scripts and Translating VBScript Links for days 3-7 are on the right hand side

Windows PowerShell course book and demo files available for download

Scripting with Windows PowerShell - ms script center

learn to think in powershell

powershell 101 course on a disk if you can't go to a live don jones training it is the next best thing

additional resources
PowerGUI Hands-On Labs Manual. word doc powerGUI page on this blog PowerShell Commands for Active Directory Quest Software powershell cheat sheet PDF powershell PDF posters Microsoft Windows PowerShell 1.0 DeskSheet PDF
Windows PowerShell Tip of the Week
powerShell&Me webcasts
powershell Blogs